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HomeNewsBancroft Minor Hockey releases special statement: 'We will cover arena user fees...

Bancroft Minor Hockey releases special statement: ‘We will cover arena user fees for players” 

Following an emergency meeting last week, Bancroft District Minor Hockey Association has released a statement regarding arena user fees.  

The association said it will take responsibility for managing the user fees for its players and will not put the burden on parents to cover it. They say that if necessary they will fundraise to cover the cost for out-of-town players. It went on to say they were ‘confident that the municipalities would reach an agreement that will keep the arena operational for years to come.’

At a recent council meeting Bancroft voted for an arena user fee of $200 per non-resident, which is $100 more than last year, but not the $300 initially proposed.

In his June comments, Mayor Paul Jenkins stated that it was the “sincere desire of the town to eliminate user fees through equitable contributions by all user municipalities.”

He continued to say that while a fee has been set, a full or partial refund will still be available to non-residents, whose municipality participates in cost sharing prior to the end of August.

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The Town of Bancroft has invited surrounding municipalities to attend a North Hastings Community Centre Municipal & User Group meeting on July 9 to ‘discuss collaboratively how the arena governance could be structured in the future.’

See BDMHA statement below.

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