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HomeNewsDiverse group of ‘rockers’ raise money for local healthcare

Diverse group of ‘rockers’ raise money for local healthcare

Over a dozen teams of ‘rockers’ took turns rocking last Friday to raise money for St Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation (SFVH) at the Valley Manor in Barry’s Bay. 


Participants had collected pledges and committed to rock in a rocking chair for the day. 

The event was officially opened at 10 a.m. by bagpiper Annadean Kerr.  Rockathon participants waved their team signs and paraded behind her as she circled the gardens and fountain of the Valley Manor courtyard. 

Shortly afterwards a Zumba class kicked off, with everyone from daycare students to Valley Manor residents participating in ’Rocking Chair Zumba’.

Gloria from the Valley Manor team, rocked and danced with her teammate Calvin in the chair beside her.

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Piper Annadean Kerr leads Parade of Team Captains in Opening Ceremonies of Rockathon 2024. Photo by Mary Milne
Daycare Students take part in Rockathon 2024. Photo by Mary Milne
Gloria and Calvin dancing at the Rockathon. Photo by Mary Milne
Mayor Mark Wilmer having ‘a great day’ at Rockathon 2024

“It’s all being raised for wonderful causes so who could ask for better?” said Gloria. “We get music, dancing and entertainment.”


MooseFM asked how long she thought she would be rocking for.


“Well, I’m in for at least an hour and I’ll go for as long as my legs hold out”.


Mayor Wimer was in his rocking chair nearby, rocking along to the Zumba class, saying it was a great day to be there and “a lot of fun”.

Erin Gienow, executive director of SFVHF and communications director Christine Hudder expressed their gratitude for the rockers and their supporters, including a team who had to work that day and was rocking from the Barry’s Bay Northern Credit Union.

During the event the Lions Club presented a cheque for $1,000 to SFVHF.

While the final numbers are still being tallied, more than $27,500 has been raised according to SFVHC. 

Proceeds from the day are going towards much needed items at the Valley Manor, such as lifts and mattresses.

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