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HomeNewsNational Indigenous People’s Day celebration at Millenium Park on Friday

National Indigenous People’s Day celebration at Millenium Park on Friday

Friday is Indigenous People’s Celebration Day in Millenium Park. 

The event, taking place on the summer solstice, will begin with a Sunrise Ceremony and feasting of the drums at 6 a.m.

Opening ceremonies will be held at 11 a.m. with Diane Martin and elder Noreen Tinney.

The day is hosted by North Hastings Children’s Services (NHCS).

Executive Director Jessica Anderson spoke with MooseFM about the evolution of their role in the community, saying that in 2018 NHCS went into partnership with the Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation and the Anishinabe Baptist Community Organization.

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“We’re funded through the Ministry of Education to support the community for both indigenous and non-indigenous parents and caregivers, to have access to high quality indigenous services for children and families and support them in their role.”

The celebration features vendors, children’s activities and entertainment including  performances by Big Drum Whispering Woods & Little Echo and The Shawashkong Ikwe Singers.

The event will wrap up at 1:45 p.m.

In his June statement Mayor Paul Jenkin’s spoke of Indigenous History month.

“This is a special time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. We encourage everyone to attend the local Indigenous Day Celebrations in Millenium Park.”

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